Where Jarris accidentally finds a Wellsprings and the magical water seems to understand his wish, stopping the esk in his tracks. Pralin and Loux had tagged along, too worried to leave the smaller esk alone. The moving mist finally confirms what they suspected to be the reason for Jarris’ turmoil.
10 (shaded) 5 (full body) 30 (scenic bg) 20 (conservatory) 1 (accessory x2) 1 (enchantment x1) 5 (personal) 30 (interact x3) || TOTAL AP: 103
Jarris (4633): 4 (shaded) 2 (full body) 10 (scenic bg) 5 (conservatory) 1 (accessory x1) || TOTAL GP: 22
Loux (4640): 4 (shaded) 2 (full body) 10 (scenic bg) 5 (conservatory) 1 (accessory x1) 1 (enchantment x1) || TOTAL GP: 23
Pralin (4813): 4 (shaded) 2 (full body) 10 (scenic bg) 5 (conservatory) || TOTAL GP: 21