SpeckulativeDust — Pmdu Temporary Written App- The Truth Hunters
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TEAM NAME:The Truth Hunters

Date Joined: November 5th 2013

Current Funds: 5st


Pokemon Species: Lucario
Nature and Characteristic: Relaxed and somewhat vain

Gender: Male          Age: 17
Ability: Inner Focus

Strength: 2(+2)       Agility: 3
Intelligence: 2     Charisma: 3

Total Points Left: 0
Type bonus: steel (strength+2)

Move 1: Extremespeed
Move 2: Aura Sphere
Move 3: Ice Punch
Move 4: Flash Cannon

Accessory 1:

Accessory 2:

Accessory 3:


Pokemon Species: Honedge
Nature and Characteristic: serious and has good perseverence

Gender: Male         Age: ???
Ability: No Guard

Strength: 3                 Agility: 3
Intelligence: 2(+2)    Charisma: 2

Total Points Left: 0
Type bonus: Ghost(intelligence+2)

Move 1 Aerial Ace
Move 2 Protect
Move 3 Slash
Move 4 Sacred Sword

Accessory 1:

Accessory 2:

Accessory 3:

========== WRITTEN TEST ===========

   Night time in Andalusst has been my favorite time of the day ever since me and Ventus decided to make Andalusst our adoptive home, the lights from all the late night shops as well as from various households gives the city a sort of relaxing feeling to it come night time. Of course, that only applies for certain areas of the city, other areas(such as the residential area) are shrouded in darkness, where whole families sleep within their homes, completely unaware of any shady dealing that might be happening on the streets. But it is only when you are at the outskirts of the city, when you gaze upon Andalusst as a whole, can you truly appprecate its night time beauty, what’s more, out of the city’s borders, away from its lights, is where you can view the night sky in all its beauty, with the stars and the constellations they make up plus the occasional full moon hanging like an eye in the sky, it’s enough to give anyone a feeling of melancholy. But
today in particular, I find myself enjoying the night streets of Andalusst.

“Do try not to get too distracted Zenneth, you never know what sort of characters roam Andalusst at night, its best to keep a constant eye out for trouble.” Ven said. Despite the weird grin thing he always shows on his scabbard, Ventus(you can call him Ven) always uses this serious tone whenever he talks, although it took me sometime  to actually identify the tone he uses, what with the way he ‘talks’ being a sequence of controlled vibrations on his blade, and the fact that all his emotions are expressed via the ‘eye jewel’ at the center of his crossguard. Also, ever since our first ‘contact’ he seems to have taken a liking to wrapping his cloth around my waist like a sort of makeshift belt and letting me carry him like a knight would a sword whenever we are travelling together.

“Lighten up, Ven, you have got to learn how to live in the moment, soak it all in!” I replied.

“Good luck doing that when your head is rolling on the floor, child.”

“You know what, I don’t even know why I try anymore, you just keep shooting down my words as soon as they leave my mouth. 

“Believe me, I have been wondering that since the day we start travelling with each other.”

Ignoring that last comment, I turned around a corner and collided with another Pokemon. I stumbled for a while but managed to regain my balance fairly quickly thanks to Ven using his scarf as a sort of third leg to prevent me from falling over. I guess there are advantages to having a cautious Pokemon hanging around my waist after all. Gathering my wits, I around and found that the pokemon I bumped into was actually a Furret.

"Watch it! Why, I oughta toss ya into the street for that!” The Furret said, as he tries to dust off an odd blue cap that he was apparently wearing when he ran into me.

“Sorry about that, I wasn’t really looking at where I was going.” I said as I helped him up, in the process, I noticed that his eyes are lightly-colored, like those I always see on Pokemon that are blind. Although judging from the way his eyes follow my every move, I highly doubt that he is completely blind.

Although the expression that he showed me after I helped him up seemed to indicate that he is not likely to forgive any time soon, the aura I sensed from him seemed to indicate otherwise. Interested in the Furret’s motives, I sheepishly grinned at him and said,

“Again, sorry about that, are you alright, do you need some help, Perhaps some medical attention?”

As soon as I said that, a smile begins to creep over his face. "Heh, just joshin’ ya. Only uptight nerds fight over bumpin’ into each other. I like your style, though. You new around here? I’m guessin’... stepped outta the fog and got all confused? How close am I?" He asked while smiling, all hostilities gone from his tone.

“Well, considering the fact that we arrived in Andalusst a few months ago, and our memories are a tad bit fuzzy, I would say it is pretty close.” I replied.
“Be careful, Zenneth, we do not yet know enough about the Furret to start
giving out our personal information to him.” Ven said to me telepathically. 

“Relax, I didn’t sense any malicious intent from his aura, plus, he seems really nice, I don’t see any fault mingling with the people do you?” I replied, before realizing I actually said it out loud rather than through my mind, honestly, despite the fact that the telepathic link was established when he first tried to literally suck the life out of me, I could never get used to telepathic conversations.

Thankfully, the Furret seems to be too occupied with putting on his hat the way it had been before I walked into him to notice I just apparently talked to myself.

"Oh yeah? Think I’ve heard that one before… maybe not, though. My memory’s all fuzzy after ya scrambled my brain a few seconds ago. Anyway… name’s Cuffin. Pleased to meetcha! Now, how ‘bout you tell me who ya are?" he asked.

“Nice to meet you too Cuffin, I am Zenneth and this Honedge strapped to my waist here is called…”

“Ventus.” Ven finished.   

“Not bad, not bad. I wouldn’t name my kids that… but hey, it’s a free world.” 

“Hey, you know what Cuffin, seeing as the night is still young, how about I treat you to some of the best night foods Andalusst has to offer, as a sort of apology.” I suggested.  

“Zenneth….” Ven begun, but the damage is already done,                                                                                             

“Hmm…” Cuffin replied, ”I can’t say I have a lot of offers like that, all right, I’ll go along, s’long as yer the ones payin’.”           

“Don’t worry so much, Ven, we’re just going to chat a bit, you do want to know more about our new friend don’t you? Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?” I told Ven telepathically before he objects.                                              

“A million and one things comes to mind.” Ven replied telepathically.                                                                         

“Yet none goes to the mouth.” I retorted.

“So where are we goin’ ta eat at?” Cuffin asked.                                                                                                   

“It’s a really nice noodle shop, not sure if you heard of it, it’s called Mr. Ping’s.”                                                  

“Ya mean the one that’s run by a Delibird with an odd accent?”                                                                         

“The one and the same, come on.” I said as we begun to make our way there.

I had a nagging suspicion in my mind that our meeting with Cuffin was not an accident as initially believed when I noticed his aura and his attitude deviates from the usual “accidentally bumped into you” reactions, and as we made our way to Peng’s, that suspicion is slowly becoming a conviction, the way he was walking, you wouldn’t think that he would run into anything, let alone anyone. Until, of course, when we had to get pass a huge crowd, at that time, I can see that his eyes seem to struggle to keep up with his surroundings for a while, making it look as if he really do have some sort of seeing problem. However, it does not seem to stop him much, as he quickly found his pace beside us again, with his view confident and forward.

Ping was having a slow night again tonight, as we walked in, there are only a few other Pokemons sitting at the shop’s tables, eating his signature noodle soup.                                                                                                                    

“Go ahead and take a seat, Cuffin, I’ll handle the ordering, you just pick the seat, and, after we eat we can chat a little bit more. 

“Sounds about right, s’long as ya don’t order anythin’ too bizarre."

As Cuffin goes off to pick a table, I made my way to the counter with Ven still wrapped around my waist. As we come closer to the counter, a Delibird that was previously occupied with his account books behind the counter looked up, and as soon as he saw who we were, a grin broke across his face.

“Zenny, Ven, good to see you lad’s again, what’s two of me favorite customers doin’ here so late in the night? You boys should try and sleep early you know, night time isn’t for young lads such as yerself.” Peng said, in his usual raspy voice.  

“I am hardly a child, Mr. Ping, and I once again request that you stop referring to me as such.” Ven replied.              

“Sorry about that Ventus, force o’ habit, I guess.”                                                                                                       

“So Mr Ping, another slow day?” I asked.                                                                                                                   

“Well, it comes with the territory of being in the competitive Andalusst food market, but you ain’t here to listen to me rant, what do ya want ta eat this fine night, on the house o’ course.”                                                                                     

“Mr Ping, we do not…” Ven began,                                                                                                                              

“Really, on the house? I’ll hold you to it then, Mr Ping, gimme a nice, warm, Cornn berry stew and our friend there will have an Aspear berry stew.” I cut in, eliciting an odd humming sound from Ven which could have been a sigh.                                   

“All right, two Berry Stew, one Aspear, one Cornn comin’ right up.” Mr Ping said, as he made his way into the kitchen.     

After getting our orders, I slowly carried our Berry Stew to the table Cuffin picked, where he sits, a somewhat bored expression on his face, his cap placed almost tentatively on the table.

“Sorry we took so long, Cuffin, hope you aren’t bored to death,” I apologized.                                                                   

“Eh? Oh, it’s no big deal, just gave me more time ta think as all.” Cuffin replied, his confident look returning.                    

"Here you go, a nice, warm Aspear stew for you, and a good old Cornn stew for me, nothing better to warm the soul on a cold night.” I said, setting our table and placing Ven in the empty seat next to me.                                                                 

“Aspear stew?”                                                                                                                                                     

“Try it,” I encouraged Cuffin.

Cuffin tentatively took a mouthful, and his eyes widened in a way that says he is pleasantly shocked about the taste.

“Nice, huh?” I started,                                                                                                                                           

“It’s sour, but there’s other flavors in there too that sort of tickles with yer tastebuds.” Cuffin replied.

The rest of the meal went by quietly, normally, I would just wolf down Mr. Ping’s foods, but I figured I’d enjoy it slowly tonight, in order to avoid chasing Cuffin away before Ven and I figure him out.

“So, you guys lookin’ into the guilds here? They look pretty desperate for newbies. Think you’d wanna join one of ‘em?” Cuffin asked, after we ate our fill.

“The guilds?” Ven asked, “The ones in Andalusst? Well, I suppose each of them would have their own advantages, but I suppose if me and Zenneth were to join one, it would be the Hunters, I believe they are the most advantageous to us and our purpose.” 

"Really? I wouldn’ta pinned ya for that type. I guess they’d be glad to have ya, though. From what I know, they always want ya to have some kinda “team name” to work under ‘em with. What do ya think yours would be?"

“Oh yeah, a team name, hadn’t thought about that, well, how about the Truth Hunters, what do you think of that, Ven?” I asked.

“I am fine, either way, after all, an object’s true worth is only shown through action, not words, but don’t you think we should ask the opinion of our ‘friend’ instead?”

At this I turned to Cuffin in time to see a grin he was suppressing breaking his straight-face mask.

“Well, ain’t heard that one before. You might not wanna walk into the rough parts of town callin’ yourself that… eh, or maybe do it anyway if you can handle yourself. I mean, no doubt you can probably throw a punch, or maybe you’ve got a silver tongue. The guilds look for stuff like that. How ‘bout you tell me what ya think your strengths are, just to get your story straight for when they wanna know?”

At this, I start weighing what I should say so as to not reveal too much about me and Ven, but surprisingly, Ven answered before me,

“Well, my partner is quite strong, not to mention the proficiency with words that he has allows him to talk himself out of sticky situations, I, on the other hand, have better knowledge and a certain degree of tact, between us, I am sure we can handle complex task with ease."

“Yeah… yeah, I can respect that. Everybody’s gotta get by in their own way, and there ain’t nobody who knows that better than me. If you play on your strengths, you’ll get far here, I bet.”

“I hate to deprive ya of my presence, but I’ve gotta bounce. I’m sure you’ll see me again, so don’t sweat it. I’m sure the guild’ll love to have ya.” Cuffin said as he puts on his cap and made his way out of the shop. Stopping at the door, Cuffin looks back at us and tips his hat to us in a coy manner, and said “Also, thanks fer the meal guys.” before leaving the store. Through the store window, we can see him
narrowly avoiding collision with objects and Pokemon alike, albeit stylishly.

“So, what do you think?” I said to my partner,“is he someone we should be watching out for?"                                             

“No, from what I can gather from his questions and mannerisms, I think he is just a… interested party as all.” Ven replied, as I picked him up and placed him to my waist.

After making sure his scarf is wrapped tight enough on my waist, I said goodbye to Mr. Ping and we set out into the night.

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Comments: 1

Quarteon01 [2013-11-05 11:10:18 +0000 UTC]

Nice. I'll keep an eye on this team.

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