SpeckulativeDust — PMDU-Truth Hunters Written Application (Official)
Published: 2014-04-19 23:16:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 900; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Description HUNTERS GUILD: Truth Hunters
Date Joined: November 5th 2013
Current Funds: 6 St

Merits: 0
Strikes: 0


Species: Lucario
Nature: Relaxed
-Characteristic: Somewhat vain
Gender: male                Age: 17
Ability: Inner Focus

Strength: 2(+2)              Agility: 3
Intelligence: 2             Charisma: 3

Total Points Left:0/10
Type Bonus: Fighting -> Srength

Move 1: Extremespeed
Move 2: Aura Sphere
Move 3: Ice Punch
Move 4: Flash Cannon


-Variable shawl
----Description: Simple, sky blue colored shawl with a circle in the middle, four buttons line one end of the shawl to allow for maximum function diversity.

-Mixed Berry Ice cream!
----Description: Said to hold the taste of friendship. Looks like an ordinary Ice-cream to me, though, not to mention a brain freeze waiting to happen. But still, the taste of friendship, hmmm.

-Hunters Code 1
----Description: A slip with some sort of code given by Robin. He's a cool guy, so I'm sure this thing'll come in handy sometime or other... right?


Species: Honedge
Nature: Serious
-Characteristic: Good Perseverence
Gender: Male                Age: Unknown
Ability: No Guard

Strength: 3                  Agility: 3
Intelligence: 2(+2)        Charisma: 2 

Total Points Left: 0/10
Type Bonus: Ghost -> Intelligence

Move 1: Aerial Ace
Move 2: Protect
Move 3: Slash
Move 4: Sacred Sword


-Item 1

-Item 2

-Item 3

========== WRITTEN TEST ==========

Café Obscurité. According to Ven, it's one of the most successful and popular establishment in Andalusst city, and one of the few that could be considered ritzy, whatever that means. Looking at it, I could see that this was not a place that I could afford to dine in on a regular basis. Its walls were made of a black, reflective material many romoured to be obsidian. Its elegant glass windows were framed in gold, and the frame itself was intricately carved. Above its grand Mahogany doors hung a gold-framed plaque, with the words Café Obscurité, made of pure silver contained within.

"You know, that has to be one of the most misleading names I have ever seen." I commented, trying to calm my steadily rising nerves.
"I mean, look at it, it's far from 'Obscurité', and it's way too large to be a café. Sort of makes you wonder, doesn't it, why they would name it that in the first place."

"A valid question, but perhaps the question lies in whether or not the cafe is the one that is supposed to be 'obscurite' or is it the one that is supposed to be obscuring, after all, you never know what lies hidden in plain sight." Ven, who was safely secured to my waist, replied.
"Now, if you are done with your nervous banters, I believe it is time for our appointment with the Guild representative?"

I nervously fiddled with my shawl, now wrapped around my upper body. I buttoned it such that it covered my chest(spike included) and my upper arm, but still leaving enough to make a collar, making me somewhat presentable, or so Ven says. Taking a deep breath, I pushed aside my nervousness and made my way across the street to the café. Whatever happens, happens, right?
"Let's just hope the Guild doesn't expect us to pay." I mumbled.

The Servine attending the front desk straightened himself upon seeing us approach. He casually fixed his bow tie before greeting us, "Welcome to  Café Obscurité, what would be your purpose in visiting this humble establishment tonight?"

"We are here on invite from the Hunters." Ven replied simply, handing the Guild's invitation to the Grass Snake Pokemon.

The Servine looked through the parchment with disinterest, as if he had read the document so many times, the words contained within have lost meaning to him. After examining the parchment, he promptly ripped it to pieces before tossing it into a garbage bin by the side desk. "Very well, then, please come with me, I shall show you to your table." He said in a flat tone, his face not showing any emotion.

He led us through the dimly lit establishment, deftly weaving through the tables without interrupting the customers. Though the same can't be said for us, and by us, I meant me. Apparently, Ven detached himself from me and went ahead with our host while I was tripping and fumbling through the café. Though, in my defense the cafe was REALLY dim. With a sole chandelier and some wall mounted chargestone lights as the only sources of illumination that I have, needless to say, by the time I reached our table, there were more than a few glares directed at us, some more annoyed than angry. Although, judging from the way they returned to their conversation as if nothing happened a moment later, either they have already seen their share of poorly dressed Hunter recruits, or they were talking about some REALLY interesting topics. Either way, I'm glad that their attention is turned away from us. Sweet talking a person is one thing, but for a collective, you'll need a whole new level of charisma.

"Heheh, sorry about that commotion," I apologised to our Servine host, to which he simply said, "Your table." gesturing to the table he led us to, where a familiar smiling Furret with a blue newsboy cap sat.

"Cuffin?" I asked in disbelief, as our Servine host slunk away.

"In the cap." He said, flashing me one of his coy smiles, tipping his cap as he did so.

"So, you are the Hunter's representative, eh?" Ven asked, placing himself on a chair.

Cuffin raised his arms in mock surrender before replying, "guilty as charged." looking at me with those white eyes of his, he said,
"Now what're ya still standing around for? Tryin' ta catch the attention of the 'mons ya haven't annoyed yet? Sit, sit." gesturing to the still empty chairs.

So I did as he said. As soon as I did, Cuffin leaned back and said, "So, do I know how to repay a debt or what?" spreading his arms as he did so, as if showing that he made this all happen for us. "Granted, the soup here ain't as good as the ones at that shop ya introduced me to, but the rest of it's top notch!" He reassured me.

"You make it sound like this meal is paid for by you, when, in actual fact, the guild is the one who covers the expenses for this meal." Ven replied coolly.

The Furret shrugged, "Well, ya can't blame a man for tryin' to have some fun, can ya? Now where's that darned waiter?"

Right on cue, an Empoleon waiter arrives at our table and passes a fancy-looking menu to everyone present. Ven pushed his menu away while Cuffin simply said, "The usual," with disregard, pushing the menu back against the Empoloen's chest. The waiter rolled his eyes as if he was used to this treatment, before turning his attention to me and Ven, waiting expectantly for our order.

I looked through the menu before me, and I could feel my eyebrows getting higher with each item I read. Ridiculously high price tags aside, I couldn't even understand half the words written on the menu, let alone speak it. Thankfully, the other half of the words were translations of the ones I couldn't understand, so I made do. Looking through the menu, I picked one that seemed the most interesting.

Once he took down my order, the waiter shot one last annoyed glance at Cuffin, who seems unfazed, before walking off. "No sense of humour," the Furret remarks with a shrug, before lazily slumping back in his seat. His gaze doesn't seem to settle on anyone in particular, as though he's simply staring off somewhere. I should know, I've done a fair share of staring off to nowhere myself. Although, I can't help but feel that he wasn't exactly staring off into 'nowhere'.

"So, what's up with you and our waiter?" I asked, leaning forward a little bit, Ven told me telepathically that placing my elbows on the table violates proper dining etiquette, so I crossed them over my chest instead.

His white eyes focused on me for a while, then, the coy smiles I've come to know him for returned to his face, although this time, it's more of a "I-know-something-that-you-don't" kind of smile.
"Oh, nothing much," he said, "he's just another 'mon I liked making fun of once, though now he's just soooo boring!" dropping his smile at the last sentence. "But! That's enough about him, let's turn our attention to you two!" He said with another sly smirk, tapping his paws together.

The way he seemed to able to effortlessly change his expression and apparent mood made me wonder, how long would it be before Cuffin finds us "boring". Oh well, another bridge to cross when I get there.

"I think we can skip the introductions, seeing as how we already met and all," Cuffin continued, "So... anyway, I work for this kid, Sundance. He made me promise to ask ya a few things before I go off on my own thing. He'll get his feathers in a bunch if I don't, so humor me. First things first: why do you wanna join the Hunters?" The question was accompanied by a roll of his eyes and a dramatic recitation, as if emphasising that this was just something he was forced to ask.

"A routine question," Ven replied, which sort of shocked me. Sometimes, he just blends into the surrounding so well, I forgot that he's still around. "as such, I shall answer with the routine reply. The Hunters' vast information network, both underground and above, will be able to help us uncover our identities and memories all the more faster. Memories are proof of our being, hence, recovering them is our main purpose for now."

The way Ven said it, it's like looking for our memories is some noble cause or something. Although, to him, it probably is. However, I have a somewhat different reason to join the Hunters. At the very least, Cuffin looks interested as he listens. Maybe it wasn't the question itself he's so annoyed about. 

"All right. Respectable, yeah. Down the list..." The scruffy Furret reaches for a parchment already settled upon the table. However, instead of reading from it, he crumpled it up rather rudely, then tossed it over his shoulder. Before the parchment even hit the floor, a Pawniard waiter plucked it from the air and swiftly deposited it into his, or her, vest all the while rushing to wait a nearby table. 
"What can you bring to the Hunters? What skills or talents can you utilize for us?" Cuffin asked somewhat mockingly, catching back my attention. Once again, it was Ven who answered.

"To start off, Zenneth is quite agile and has a considerable amount of strength, both of which I'm sure will be of use to you in more physical tasks. As for me, my natural form allows me to blend into any background seamlessly, and my skills in espionage and information gathering are not to be underestimated. Although, why would you want to know? Is the guild looking to recruit only the pokemon who fit a certain criteria?"

"Yeah, yeah, I gotcha. I guess we'll get to see some of that soon enough. Don't get me wrong; your answer don't mean you're gonna be taken or thrown out. This is basically... formalities..." Cuffin paused at that, tilting his head upward thoughtfully. "...Yeah, formalities. I think that's the word he used. Whatever that means."

A grin comes over the Furret's fuzzy face as he readies himself for his next question, lowering the register of his voice. "This one's more interestin', to the little guy's credit. Are you against doin' things that the Royal Guard ain't gonna like if they catch ya doin' em?"

At this, Ven remained silent. With a start, I realised that he was waiting for MY reply. "In my personal opinion?" I started, " well, the Royal Guards are the peacekeepers aren't they? I wouldn't want to inconvenience them or anything. But still, it depends on whether or not I feel that doing so is worth it. I mean, these things are hardly black and white."

The Normal-type's pointed ears twitch at my reply. "It ain't me, just sayin'. I know well enough that if yer here, then you an' I are prolly already aware of the answer to that question. I just needed somethin' to tell the kid." With a sigh of relief, Cuffin tossed his hands in the air, then at the sides of the chair dramatically. "Whew. All right, enough of that stuff. The kid is on the right track, but sometimes it seems like the royals crammed a stick really far up there, if ya know what I mean. All these "formalities" and junk... anyway, the rest is straight from me."

He looked to the left, then right... but given the way his bright eyes are never quite focusing on us, this seems to be one of those "formalities" of his own. He then begins to explain in an oddly sincere fashion, "You already know the basic stuff, so I'm gonna level with ya. Truth is, the Hunters are all about knowin' things about everybody else. Yer gonna learn secrets that nobody else will know. It'll change the way you look at this whole city, and yer prolly not gonna like what you see, but you'll always know exactly what's goin' on under the coat of sugar. I wouldn't blame ya if you'd rather go hang with a Guild that doesn't deal in the worst of what Andalusst can offer." Although the question was phrased as a public one, the way both he and Ven focused their attention at me made me feel like that last question was directed at me.

"Oh, umm... well, actually, that was manly what made me choose the Hunters. I mean, the Explorers are a nice bunch, and the Researchers know a lot of stuff. But, I wanted to see what goes on behind the curtains, what "truth" can be found in the shadows, that make sense to you?" I said, looking up and holding Cuffin's gaze in my own.

Cuffin's non-serious demeanor returns with a smirk at my response. "Is that so? Well... to be honest, I would've blamed ya, actually," he jokes with a lightly teasing tone. "Who doesn't wanna know everything about everybody? Life is all about keepin' yer options as open as possible 'til the right moment."

"No, that's not it," I said, cutting Cuffin off, "I don't want to know everything about everybody, just the stuff that matters."

Just then, the waiter comes into earshot, flippers laden with everyone's orders. As he was serving Cuffin's meal, he hesitated, and I got the distinct feeling that he was contemplating as to whether or not he should spit on it. Although, I'm pretty sure Cuffin doesn't quite care as, the Furret doesn't appear to be looking at him anyway... I'm beginning to suspect that he couldn't even if he wanted to. The silver platters are placed on the table with mild clatter, but Cuffin faces your team again before paying them any mind.

"Before we eat..." he interrupts, reaching down and palming the nearest glass. He holds it up and forward across the table."Let's toast, to the new recruits," Cuffin proposes, though he leans in and adds with a whisper, "...That's you, just so ya know."
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Comments: 10

Ayyu-Arku [2014-08-24 02:26:29 +0000 UTC]

I should not have read the gansta version first.  Some things cannot be unread...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpeckulativeDust In reply to Ayyu-Arku [2014-08-24 04:33:02 +0000 UTC]

It is burned into the eyes, and it will never heal completely.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RespectTheBlade [2014-07-07 18:59:46 +0000 UTC]

I gave your team a cameo! Thanks for responding to the request ~ fav.me/d7pmnd6

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nox-Nemoris [2014-04-22 11:18:41 +0000 UTC]

Changed the font, hmm?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpeckulativeDust In reply to Nox-Nemoris [2014-04-22 12:21:38 +0000 UTC]

Ah, so you noticed.
Yea, decided to try out different fonts, next up, using different fonts in one written piece.

Thank you for showing me how to do it, though
(read how through your convo with dragonsvirtue.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nox-Nemoris In reply to SpeckulativeDust [2014-04-22 12:35:38 +0000 UTC]

Zen is a bit too friendly to be vain...but that is merely my opinion.

I wished you could've expanded the responses a bit more though...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpeckulativeDust In reply to Nox-Nemoris [2014-04-22 13:22:31 +0000 UTC]

Haha, you know, I probably could.
But I feel that the exchange between Cuffin was pretty straight forward and didn't need much change.
(Which is short for saying I did not know how to expand it.  )

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Quarteon01 [2014-04-20 01:14:41 +0000 UTC]

Thisbis definitely one of your better submissions. I really enjyed reading this, especially how Ven answers Cuffin's questions. Everything's not black and white. I like that. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpeckulativeDust In reply to Quarteon01 [2014-04-20 01:25:02 +0000 UTC]

Thx for the compliment!

That's the thing with me, the quality of my work often fluctuates between good and bad, depending on my thought processes.
sigh, gonna hv to work on that, consistency.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Quarteon01 In reply to SpeckulativeDust [2014-04-20 02:01:42 +0000 UTC]

Haha, that happened to me too. You're welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0