Comments: 33
RebellingLemming [2016-06-21 04:34:55 +0000 UTC]
Interesting development and expansions!
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-05 19:00:08 +0000 UTC]
D&D amateur question: does this city have sewers?
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Shabazik In reply to Pootisman90 [2016-11-05 19:53:34 +0000 UTC]
mmm... for how close it's to the river... would say they sort of throw it mostly there directly, in that high higienic medieval tradition XD
probably there are some sewers, but rather limited in size.
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-05 20:49:46 +0000 UTC]
And what´s the population?
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Shabazik In reply to Pootisman90 [2016-11-05 21:29:10 +0000 UTC]
for the amount of houses drawn, some 3,500 inhabitants.
Thought supposedly by then it had some 18,000-20,000 inhabitants, so wouldn't say may drawing it's a "true" representation XD
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-05 21:38:21 +0000 UTC]
And how do the largest inhabitants fare?
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Shabazik In reply to Pootisman90 [2016-11-05 23:08:16 +0000 UTC]
It's pretty much a human city, with only some grey elves to add in terms of diversity!
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-06 07:30:25 +0000 UTC]
Damn, I´ve wanted to imagine some dwarves and ogres!
Does magic exist in this world?
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Shabazik In reply to Pootisman90 [2016-11-06 10:08:37 +0000 UTC]
Yes it does, and so such creatures, buy this is located in Sargos, one of the Five Human kingdoms of the northwest, that aren't very ethnically diverse!
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-06 10:13:57 +0000 UTC]
Height question. I saw your height chart, but the smallest was the dwarf sub specimen and the tallest was the Yak Yak. What are the races heights?
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Shabazik In reply to Pootisman90 [2016-11-06 13:55:10 +0000 UTC]
that wasn't of all races, just of these.
I really suck giving heights, specially as with our own human species, height have changed along centuries due a series of factors -nutritional, for example-, and I'm sort of always confused how to answer your questions XD
Normally I only go for a "feeling" of the aproximate height.
The tallest of my creatures are the Mountain Giants -who never stop growing, provide a good nutrition-, and the smallest the fairies.
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-06 14:24:13 +0000 UTC]
How tall are the "average" (dunno, hill giants, frost giants) giants? 20 feet?
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Shabazik In reply to Pootisman90 [2016-11-06 14:35:40 +0000 UTC]
Smaller giants are around 3 metres tall, and in average they are some 5 - 7 metres tall: but as said, they keep growing as long they have the needed nutrients.
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-06 16:47:35 +0000 UTC]
Damn, that means 70 at their peaks!
If Millbridge had sewers, could they be inhabited by monsters, like in Eye of the Beholder?
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Shabazik In reply to Pootisman90 [2016-11-08 00:09:13 +0000 UTC]
mmm... not very probable, but not impossible
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Pootisman90 In reply to Shabazik [2016-11-08 05:46:03 +0000 UTC]
Explaint a little please, I really like your explications.
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cullyferg2010 [2016-06-10 04:02:00 +0000 UTC]
Well ain't that a bite in the ass for the elves.
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Mel--kun [2015-10-21 01:30:13 +0000 UTC]
De alguna forma la historia de Millbridge ya me ha recordado a 'una canción de fuego y hielo' y a 'dragon age', sin contar innumerables pasajes históricos.
Pero no me quedo claro donde esta la elferia
¿como se llama la iglesia junto al castillo? ¿que religión se profesa?
La evolución de la ciudad ha sido muy cool!
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Shabazik In reply to Mel--kun [2015-10-29 10:43:25 +0000 UTC]
la elferia todavía no existe, sino que se construirá en torno a la capilla de los elfos.
Son cristianos!
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Meteorofbullshit [2015-10-07 04:33:57 +0000 UTC]
en español por que se me hace mas rápido.
¿Por que el bosque no Retrocede ni un poco en el tiempo de los 3 primeros dibujos y solo empieza a reducirse en cuanto la gente empieza a expandir los campos de cultivos?, ¿de que cantera ellos sacarían la piedra suficiente para construir la ciudad sin casi usar madera?
También, me di cuenta de algo, un equipo comando o de saboteadores podría pasar por los bosques y granjas aledañas y a través del río.
Ademas como diantres una vieja granja dura sin alterar 50 años XD debería tener silos y sitios para caballos y equipo, tal ves expandir edificios para trabajadores, después de todo tiene el negocio seguro bastante cerca (siempre y cuando el tributo local no sea demasiado alto), lo mismo para las iglesias, las cuales para el dibujo final, las dos de la ciudad deberían ya tener criptas y que la que esta al otro lado del foso del castillo.
De echo lo único que veo que realmente se expande es el tamaño del pueblo y el castillo y por supuestola fortaleza de Kingsmill (o lo que sea que esta al otro lado del rio cubriendo el sitio del molino de viento)
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Shabazik In reply to Meteorofbullshit [2015-10-09 00:17:06 +0000 UTC]
Bueno, en parte importante que los bosques no retrocedan es por que da muchisima pereza trabajar con los arboles XD
-creo que si hicieras igualmente una serie de imagenes de un pueblo, te darás cuenta que pereza es cambiar cada árbol!-
Pero los bosques si retroceden, sólo que lentamente!
La explicación "dentro del mundo", para no quedarme sólo con la pereza, es que son bosques reales -concesiones del rey-, quién hace uso exclusivo del fruto y usufructo del bosque, utilizandolo principalmente como coto de caza: es decir, sólo el rey y su corte cortan leña del bosque inmediatamente aledaño -por lo menos de forma legal, sin que los guardabosques te cuelgen por ello o algo así!-, y sólo se cortaba madera para construcción para proyectos de construcción reales o eclesiásticos!
La madera viene de los bosques, pero un poco más distantes, muchas veces bajando la mercancia por el río -lo mismo que la piedra necesaria!-
Con respecto al crecimiento de las granjas, recuerda que en Europa aún en el día de hoy existen muchas granjas y eficios con siglos de antiguedad, que sólo van a tener modificaciones en el siglo XX: Hoy en día es cuando se tiene una lógica desarrollista y progresista, de eterno cambio, pero no siempre esa ha sido una lógica preponderante en la humanidad.
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TheSkaldofNvrwinter [2015-10-07 01:11:38 +0000 UTC]
envious at your city creation skills
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TheSkaldofNvrwinter In reply to Shabazik [2015-10-10 05:01:30 +0000 UTC]
I tried that a long time ago...and it's just hard to imagine what a fantasy city would look like.
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larqven [2015-10-06 15:55:05 +0000 UTC]
Millbridge over 50 years. I'm really impressed with the 'reverse engineering' you've been doing with this pic! Also, how new Millbridge generally is.
Even the much vaunted Keep is in a simpler stage in its evolution.
Also, it is interesting hearing about the embryonic elferie, and the incident of the carnival. Nasty things seem to come out in carnivals what with loosened inhibitions.
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Shabazik In reply to larqven [2015-10-09 00:10:40 +0000 UTC]
AH! It indeed had many, important changes, between the beginning of the reign of Don Camilo II The Magnificent -or "The Builder"- and the rule of Don Camilo III!!
Indeed, much was new: for long, between the rule of Martin the Conqueror and Camilo II -a bit more than 100 years- Millbridge largelly stagnated, and had a very slow expansion beyond The Pit!
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