Fall-Apart Jin.
Facts about him:
Name: Fall-Apart Jin
Age: 290 human years.
He is a fall-apart troll, a troll whose body parts are loose.
He is Spriggan's best friend and like him lives in Hikaru's house under supervision.
Jin is one of the most curious looking faeries: glistening and oval, he has multiple yellow eyes, two of them hanging from antennae, a hairy and large mouth with blue lips and multiple arms that hang from his body, and that he can graft into any of the many fleshy holes he has.
He tends to have a vaguely French accent whenever he speaks.
Jin speaks with a "v" sound in place of the "r", and no, it's not a race trait.
He has a hard time pronouncing the letter "r", which changes to "v" or "d".
Fall-Apart Jin is a very nice and funny troll, who is always ready to join in the fun and is very loyal to his friends, especially Spriggan and also Hikaru.
When Spriggan is feeling blue, Fall-Apart is there to cheer him up (by organizing the rest of the faeries to bring him some food, edible or nonedible).
Fall-Apart is a joker and also has a touch of bad mood.
It bothers him a lot if his friends are threatened and that the Unseelie faeries are bullies.
He doesn't hesitate for a moment to stand up when his friends are threatened.
Fall-Apart also has a kind of unfortunate magnet to attract all the blows of the house to him, and thus, he ends up being dismantled again and again.
Whenever Jin gets frightened or knocked over, there's a good chance his eyes will pop out, along with other parts of his body.
Jin has a family tree. His mother is Fall-Apart Liming, father Fall-Apart Avinus, Grandmother Fall-Apart Xiwang, grandfather Doufu, Great Grandmother Einblick and Great Grandfather is Soger.
He was taken into custody more than half a century ago for improper behavior in the Faery Bazaar: in this case, littering. He doesn't pick up the body pieces he loses, he just left his limbs lying everywhere, which is considered "public disorder".
For the remainder of his sentence, Fall-Apart Jin will have to learn to be a better troll over time, but the truth is that he has no interest in leaving. He's very comfortable living away from Seattle. He has free food, roof over his head and he doesn't even have to pay a cent for it. Also, the bad influence of Spriggan makes it difficult to reform him.
Fall-Apart usually helps Spriggan on many occasions to play pranks (i.e., putting fake vomit on people's cars). He will also help Spriggan in his attempts to steal Hikaru or AJ's shoes and socks. On some occasions he also tests them to see how they taste. Eww...
His powers include being able to use a glamour to make himself invisible, like all other faeries.
Jin is a dismember-able troll that can control all parts of his body even if they are loose, and that also no matter the attack he receives, he can always recompose himself. Thus, his arms can be thrown and hit enemies with tremendous accuracy. He is stronger than he looks, and can also resist any blow, no matter how hard, so it's better not to underestimate him.
Jin is possibly the most quarrelsome faery in Hikaru's house.
It is very difficult to find a good eye doctor for Fall-Apart in the Faery Bazaar.
Strange like all of his species, the element Fall-Apart Jin is argumentative and sarcastic. He always has a really bad joke lined up, and if he would only find the bit of his tongue he lost, he could get rid of that pretentious "French" accent he's so proud of.
An ugly troll with a good heart, he's always willing to lend you a hand...figuratively and literally.
彼は話すときはいつでも、漠然としたフランス訛りを持つ傾向があります。 ジンは「r」の代わりに「v」の音で話し、いいえ、それは人種の特性ではありません. 彼は、「v」または「d」に変わる文字「r」を発音するのに苦労しています。 Fall-Apart Jin はとても素敵で面白いトロールで、いつでも楽しみに参加する準備ができており、友人、特にスプリガンとヒカルに非常に忠実です。 スプリガンが気分が落ち込んでいるとき、Fall-Apart は彼を元気づけるためにそこにいます (残りの妖精を組織して、食べられるものか食べられないものかを問わず、食べ物を持ってきます)。 Fall-Apart はジョーカーで、機嫌が悪いです。 彼の友達が脅かされたり、妖精の妖精がいじめっ子だったりすると、彼はとても気になります。 仲間が脅かされても、彼は一瞬もためらわずに立ち上がる。 Fall-Apart はまた、家のすべての打撃を彼に引き付ける一種の不幸な磁石を持っているため、彼は何度も何度も解体されてしまいます。
ジンには家系図があります。 彼の母親は秋離れて石灰、父は秋離れてAvinus、祖母は秋離れてXiwang、祖父Doufu、曾祖母Einblickと曽祖父はSogerです。
彼は半世紀以上前に、フェアリー バザーでの不適切な行動 (この場合はゴミのポイ捨て) で拘留されました。彼は失った体の部分を拾うことはなく、手足をいたるところに置いたままにしており、これは「公共の無秩序」と見なされています. Fall-Apart Jin は残りの文で、時間の経過とともにより良いトロールになることを学ばなければなりませんが、真実は、彼が去ることに興味がないということです。彼はシアトルから離れてとても快適に暮らしています。彼はタダで食べ物を食べ、頭上には屋根があり、1 セントも払う必要はありません。また、スプリガンの悪影響により、彼を改心させることは困難です。
Fall-Apart は通常、多くの場合、Spriggan がいたずらをするのに役立ちます (つまり、人々の車に偽の嘔吐物を置きます)。彼はまた、ヒカルや AJ の靴や靴下を盗もうとするスプリガンを助けます (家の下に秘密のトンネルを掘ったり、パラシュートで降下したりすることさえあります)。場合によっては、味を確認するためにテストすることもあります。ええと...
ジンは、たとえ彼らが緩んでいても彼の体のすべての部分を制御することができ、また彼が受ける攻撃に関係なく、彼はいつでも自分自身を再構成す したがって、彼の腕は投げられ、途方もない正確さで敵を打つことができます。 彼は見た目よりも強く、どんなに激しくてもどんな打撃にも耐えることができるので、彼を過小評価しない方が良いです。
彼のすべての種のように奇妙な、要素が崩壊するジンは議論的で皮肉です。 彼はいつも本当に悪い冗談が並んでいます、そして彼が失った彼の舌の少しだけを見つけるならば、彼は彼がとても誇りに思っているその大げさな「フ
Artwork belong to seanbutler397 (Sean Butler)