Alex "AJ" Rustico.
Italian American.
Astrological Sign: Leo
A young boy who recently moved to Poulsbo where he becomes good friends with Hikaru. Initially a normal boy, there was a piece of him that yearned for a life of adventure outside the doldrums of suburbia. He couldn't see the world of faeries, but was eventually given the ability to see them. Now he's been thrust into the greatest adventure of his life. Whether it's demons, mischievous goblins, or trolls of the worst kind, AJ has a lot to learn if he wants to live to see adulthood.
Info about him:
AJ's appearance accurately symbolizes his character.
He loves the world of faeries and was one of the few people to believe Hikaru when she claims to be able to see faeries.
AJ was born into a family of artists who from an early age, instilled him with an instinct of curiosity and empowerment in the setting of a very free education. With his family's assent he enrolled at Eliason. AJ has a pretty good relationship with his parents. He'll likely never have a teenage crisis (because he'll always remain a kid at heart).
A hyperactive child, AJ is an entertainer on springs. Always in search of a new trick or joke, he's an eccentric who thinks life is just a game. His lithe physique means he could try his hand at acrobatics and juggling.
What's most surprising about him is his limitless curiosity, which sometimes makes him seem like an uncontrollable nutcase.
The same goes for his tastes in music and fashion, which can oscillate from operetta to minimalist techno, from an English school student outfit to a punk or skateboarder aesthetic, from conceptual art to kitsch.
He dresses in rather punkish clothes with clashing colors.
AJ is the extravert of the group and an incorrigible smart-aleck. The only thing constant about AJ is his humor with touches of tender irony. He's actually extremely sensitive, and he hates seeing his friends in distress.
His main flaw is that he likes to make fun of people. He sometimes doesn't know when to stop and can say harmful things.
Though physically petite compared to the rest of the group, he is an adrenaline junkie, just the type to go for extreme sports.
In school, AJ is not known well for his academic prowess. He's a passable student, has trouble concentrating on his studies. He daydreams during science classes, and he clowns around in PE, but he blooms in art classes.
By some miracle, AJ always manages to just barely achieve the necessary grade to keep up. To do this, he can count on increasingly inventive tips from his friends (Ernst in particular), who help him "finish" his homework and answer the teachers' pressing questions.
The music teacher once blackmailed him into starring in a school play by not assigning him another C in her class. He also doesn't know what a "sociopath" or "hermaphrodite" are. He is good at some of his classes as they are either relevant to the items he uses when playing pranks or he actually likes the teacher and therefore puts more effort into the lesson.
His strengths are in the languages and artistic classes.
AJ is a big flirt. He's popular with the girls, who find him cute and see him as the perfect accomplice and confidant. The boys, on the other hand, don't understand his differences so well.
Favorite food is vanilla-banana milkshake.
Frequently cleans the lunch trays of his closest friends, despite maintaining that frame of his (this is because of a high metabolism).
He owns a pet dog. A pink and white Russel Terrier named "Leone". Leone is stubborn as a mule, whimsical and completely unpredictable, this dog seems literally devoid of a brain. He always tries to make friends with Abercrombie but ends up getting zapped or scratched in the face. His main activity consists of tracking his master...for better and more often, for worse. He isn't allowed at the school but that doesn't stop AJ from taking him with him sometimes, concealed. Otherwise, the rest of the time, he stays in his bedroom.
If he ever gets a driver's license, he'd probably be an impatient driver.
He's fond of the "bring it" Bruce Lee gesture.
Some people mistake him for a girl. He does look a bit effeminate and certainly acts effeminate as well. Plus, he speaks in high-pitched voice. However, he's straight and very interested in girls.
Nothing changes AJ's goofy demeanor, not even being faced with certain death.
He is an Olympics-grade athlete, especially on a skateboard.
He is an expert artist in both music (guitar and songwriting) and drawing.
He's good with machines.
While Spriggan normally eats Hikaru's shoes and socks, he likes AJ's just as much (since AJ suffers from severe plantar perspiration).
His phone is a silver, telephone-style cellphone.
He knows how to pick locks.
AJ is ambidextrous.
When it comes to fighting, AJ is definitely one of the most talented acrobatics, rivaled only by Fiachna.
He's very encouraging and optimistic, as well as surprisingly resourceful during life-or-death situations.
I think the appealing part about AJ is we all know him in real life somewhere, and I feel like he'll make the courageous choices we would make in any given situation.
星座: レオ
最近ポールスボに引っ越してきた少年で、ヒカルとは仲良し。最初は普通の少年でしたが、郊外の低迷の外での冒険的な生活に憧れていた彼の一部がありました.彼は妖精の世界を見ることができませんでしたが、最終的に彼らを見る能力を与えられました.今、彼は人生最大の冒険に突き落とされています。悪魔であれ、いたずら好きなゴブリンであれ、最悪の種類のトロールであれ、AJ が大人になるまで生きたいのであれば、学ばなければならないことはたくさんあります。
AJは幼い頃から、非常に自由な教育の設定で好奇心とエンパワーメントの本能を彼に植え付けたアーティストの家族に生まれました。 彼の家族の同意を得て、彼はエリアソンに入学しました。 AJは彼の両親とかなり良い関係を持っています。 彼はおそらく10代の危機を経験することは決してないでしょう(彼は常に心の中で子供のままだからです)。
多動性の子供であるAJは、泉の芸能人です。 常に新しいトリックやジョークを求めて、彼は人生はただのゲームだと思っている偏心者です。 彼のしなやかな体格は、彼がアクロバットとジャグリングで彼の手を試すことができることを意味します。
Ajはグループの外向的であり、手に負えない賢いアレックです。 AJについて一定の唯一のものは、柔らかい皮肉のタッチで彼のユーモアです。 彼は実際には非常に敏感であり、彼は苦しんでいる彼の友人を見ることを嫌っています。
彼の主な欠点は、彼が人々をからかうのが好きだということです。 彼は時々いつ止まるべきかわからず、有害なことを言うことができます。
学校では、AJ の学力はあまり知られていません。彼はまずまずの学生ですが、勉強に集中するのに苦労しています。彼は理科の授業中に空想にふけり、体育ではおどけますが、美術の授業で開花します。 奇跡的に、AJ は常に必要な成績をかろうじて達成しています。これを行うために、彼は、宿題を「終わらせ」、教師の差し迫った質問に答えるのに役立つ友人 (特にエルンスト) からのますます独創的なヒントを頼りにすることができます。 音楽の先生はかつて、クラスで別の C を割り当てないことで、彼を脅迫して学校の演劇に出演させました。彼はまた、「ソシオパス」または「雌雄同体」が何であるかも知りません。彼は、いたずらをするときに使用するアイテムに関連していたり、実際に先生が好きで、レッスンにもっと力を入れているため、いくつかのクラスが得意です。 彼の強みは語学と芸術のクラスにあります。 AJは大の浮気者です。彼は女の子に人気があり、彼をかわいいと感じ、完璧な共犯者であり親友と見なしています。一方、男の子は彼の違いをあまりよく理解していません。 好きな食べ物はバニラバナナミルクセーキ。 彼の体型を維持しているにもかかわらず、彼の親しい友人のランチトレイを頻繁に掃除します(これは代謝が高いためです).
彼はペットの犬を所有しています。 「ラッセル」という名前のピンクと白のラッセルテリア。 ラッセルはラバのように頑固で、気まぐれで完全に予測不可能で、この犬は文字通り脳を欠いているようです。 彼はいつもアバクロンビーと友達を作ろうとしますが、顔にザップや引っかき傷がついてしまいます。 彼の主な活動は彼のマスターを追跡することから成ります。..より良く、より頻繁に、より悪いために。 彼は学校で許可されていませんが、それはajが時々彼と一緒に彼を連れて行くのを止めません、隠されています。 そうでなければ、残りの時間、彼は彼の寝室にとどまります。
彼を女の子と間違える人もいます。 彼は少し女々しいように見え、確かに女性的にも行動します。 さらに、彼は甲高い声で話します。 しかし、彼はまっすぐで、女の子に非常に興味があります。
スプリガンは通常、ヒカルの靴と靴下を食べますが、AJ の靴と靴下も同じくらい好きです (AJ はひどい足底発汗に苦しんでいるため)。
彼は非常に励みになり、楽観的であり、生死に関わる状況では驚くほど機知に富んでいます。 AJ の魅力的な部分は、私たち全員が実生活で彼をどこかで知っていることだと思います。彼は、どんな状況でも私たちが行う勇気ある選択をするだろうと感じています.
Artwork belong to seanbutler397 (Sean Butler)