Answer to this Dopis/Letter (CZ/ENG)
We decided with Irsibil that we can have some fun with our farrosian horses, so we will exchange them for month or longer time
(picture is addition story↓ )
Registered letter to
Irsibil Wentor, Confessor
Gabriel Wentor, The Wizard of 1st order
Aydindril, Midlands
Madam Irsibil Wentor,
I am pleased with your message even when I do not know if the information of my reputation can be regarded as positive thing as I always done more harm than good. As for the horse training, I can assure that I have already encountered with poorer specimens as your Farrosian horse, but I will be very happy if I’ll be able to work with him and make easier his training for you. According to the description I can hardly evaluate the diagnosis, so If you could, I would love to see him in the near future. As for the cost, I would be very happy if we could agree on something else. Beneath my wings I have one noble Farrosian stallion, but recently I have some problems with him. I have heard about your great healers and I have small request. Draco is a war horse, he survived a lot of difficult conditions, he is led by my very strong hand and I always expect his 100% obedience and reliability. Recently I have occurred some problems. He refuses to eat (bad sausage...) also he refuses the saddle, he is rearing and biting. Last time he chewed my riding boots as a protest. I will not tolerate such behavior, I must have confidence in him that he can handle huge battles again and not spinning on battlefield like propeller or throwing me down. I will very likely send him to salami. So I ask for a change, horse for horse. I will help you to train Lucifer and I am sending to you my Draco for a wellness. I know that you can make him feel better. I haven’t tried magic. I do not want to grill him yet.
Regards and thanks
Constantine Raghul
Doporučený list
Irsibil Wentor, Zpovednica
Gabriel Wentor, Čarodejník 1.rádu
Aydindril, Stredozem
Vážená pani Irsibil Wentor,
som potešený Vašou správou, aj keď neviem či informáciu o mojej povesti môžem pokladať za pozitívnu vec, kedže napácham vždy viacej škody ako úžitku. Čo sa týka trénovania koní, môžem Vás ubezpečiť, že som sa potrápil už aj s horšími exemplármi ako ten Váš farros, ale budem veľmi rád ak s ním budem môcť spolupracovať a Vám tak uľahčiť jeho tréning. Podľa popisu viem len ťažko zhodnotiť jeho diagnózu, takže ak by sa dalo, rád by som ho videl v čo najbližšej dobe. Čo sa týka nákladov, tak by som bol veľmi rád ak by sme sa vedeli dohodnúť inak. Pod mojimi krídlami mám jedného ušlachtilého farros žrebca, s ktorým si v poslednej dobe neviem rady. Dopočul som sa o Vašich skvelých liečiteľoch a mal by som prosbu. Draco je vojnový kôň, odžil si veľa ťažkých podmienok, je vedený mojou veľmi pevnou rukou, očakávam vždy od neho 100% pošlusnosť a spoľahlivosť. V poslednej dobe ale nastal problém. Odmieta mi žrať (klobása protivná..) tak isto je problém ho osedlať, vzpína sa, hryzie. Minule mi obžral jazdecké čižmy na protest. Nestrpím také správanie, musím mať v ňom istotu, že znova zvládne ohromné bitky a keď sa mi tam bude točiť ako vrtula, nebodaj ma zhodí tak ho už naozaj pošlem na salám. Týmto Vás žiadam o výmenu, kôň za koňa. Ja Vám pomôžem vytrénovať Lucifera a Draca Vám posielam na welness pobyt, viem že ho zvládnete dať do poriadku. Mágiu som neskúšal, nechcem ho predsa ugrilovať.
S pozdravom a vďakou
Constantine Raghul
-= Info =-
Tools: Photoshop CS6 Extended, Wacom Intious Pro M
Credit: texture background stock from uncle Google
Artwork by Naia (Tirexka)