The air was thick and the base thrummed through my chest as we looked out over the enormous wrestling ring. It was almost double the size of a normal one with even the ropes and pads scaled up to accommodate the Pokemon fighters.
Spotlights and lasers swung around the arena as a booming voice came onto the speakers, announcing the first fight! It was exhilarating!
We watched a number of fights until we finally announced that the big fight of the night would be up next. A challenger came forward and released a Hitmonchan into the ring, raising its glove-like hands to the crowd. Suddenly, everything went dark.
The floodlights snapped on and focused on a tunnel at the far end of the arena.
Heavy base music rang out as an enormous figure entered through a cloud of dry ice. It was a Machamp!
It stood just under 8 ft tall with leathery grey skin and four powerful arms. It raised them to the crowd, looking across the sea of faces as the audience erupted!
This had to be the Machoke we saw last year, its trainer must have evolved it via a trade negotiation.
With its fists clenched, it strode forward to the edge of the ring. It grabbed onto the ropes and with one swift motion pulled itself into the corner post sending a visible shockwave down the cables. It stood triumphantly, with its arms stretched wide it was met by thunderous applause.
The bell rang and with tremendous power the Machamp exploded into the air, launching itself high over the ring! This was going to be a good match!
I really liked the atmosphere in this one
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