Candroo — PMD-U: Researchers Team Memento
Published: 2014-06-08 01:45:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 2059; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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Description RESEARCHERS GUILD: Memento
Date Joined: 11/13/2013
Current Funds: 12 St

Merits: 3
Strikes: 0


Species: Gligar
Nature: Modest
-Characteristic: Highly Curious
Gender: Male                     Age: 22 (young adult)
Ability:Sand Veil

Strength: 3 (2+1)                  Agility: 4 (3+1)
Intelligence: 3               Charisma: 2

Total Points Left: 0/10
Type Bonus: Ground/Flying -> Strength/Agility

Move 1: Acrobatics
---- Lennon punches his target multiple times while flying in an erratic pattern, or slams into his opponent with both claws after gaining momentum. May also be used to dodge a variety of attacks.

Move 2: Poison Jab
---- Lennon jabs his target with his stinger, applying a lot of force with a chance to poison his victim. Can severely wound the target.

Move 3: Feint
---- Lennon makes it appear he's attacking one way, but strikes somewhere else. This move can bypass Protect, sometimes phasing straight through the shield. This is by no means a powerful attack and is only used to create openings in his opponent's defense.

Move 4: U-turn
---- Lennon strikes his target then immediately turns around to gain distance, take cover, or avoid a counter attack. It can also be used to change positions with a partner.


-Earthly Fedora
----Description: A brown diamond-crowned fedora with white wooden fangs attached to the dark brown strip. Holes present in the crown allow a gligar to wear the hat comfortably and prevent it from flying off of the head. The materials are strong enough to handle some decent punishment, and the fangs are hollowed out to carry tiny items, liquid, or dust.

-Quick work Quill
----Description: A writing quill given as a reward for making the work place more enjoyable. Allows the use of Tickle.

-Evolution Slip
----Description: Official paperwork to be filled out upon evolution.


Species: Spiritomb
Nature: Quirky
-Characteristic: Impetuous and Silly
Gender: Male                    Age: Unknown
Ability: Infiltrator

Strength: 2                  Agility: 1
Intelligence: 4 (2+2)             Charisma: 5

Total Points Left: 0/10
Type Bonus: Ghost/Dark -> Intelligence

Move 1: Memento
---- Manus' signature move. He will detatch himself from his stone and possess his target, causing intense physical weakness and loss of focus as the many souls start messing with the mind. Unresisted, he can manipulate his victim's actions for a short period of time with varying degrees of success. Once released from the effect, the victim remains weakened, often becoming sick until rested. They will never forget this experience. (Manus is locked in the stone for a short period of time after he releases his victim so he can recover.)

Move 2: Mean Look
---- Manus briefly creates an illusion that causes him, and anyone else he chooses, to appear terrifying to his target. This move also creates a psychic link with his target that prevents fleeing unless broken, though he may choose not to link with his victim if he just wants to scare them off.

Move 3: Protect
--- Manus creates a psychic shield which blocks most incoming attacks. The smaller the shield, the longer he's able to maintain it.

Move 4: Psychic
---- Manus has the ability to use telekinesis to great effect, able to manipulate many objects and pokemon at once. He can also condense his psychic power into a blast of kinetic energy.


-Manus' Fandangle
----Description: A gaudy purple bow with green polka-dots. It is held together by a cabochan star ruby fit into a jade clasp. The rear clasp is semi-flexible, allowing it to be easily attached and removed and may be locked in place to prevent it from falling off or being torn off of the wearer. Do not wear this on your neck or it may choke you.

-Item 2

-Item 3

========== WRITTEN TEST ==========

Lennon let out a sigh as he closed his leather bound journal, setting it aside on the table as he stretched his arms. The sun was still shining brightly through the window across from him, lighting up the small room where he had taken residence. It only had one bed and the room was bare save for the writing desk and a few shelves on the wall. The shelves were empty save for a single wooden carving of what is now known to be Regigigas, and a stone adorned with a rather silly bow clasped on to it.

After peeking out the window for a moment, Lennon got off of his chair, grabbed his hat from the bed, and was just about to exit the room before he was stopped by a low drumming voice.

“Halt! By the powers invested in me, you shalt not pass beyond that door!” said the voice.

“Manus, would you please be a good... congregation and come with me? We can't just stay locked up in here, especially since we're a part of the guild now,” Lennon retorted, turning to look at the stone.

The stone leaped from its perch on the shelf and landed directly in between Lennon and the door. Then  the Spiritomb revealed itself, growing in size such that it seemed to fill the entire room yelling, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”

With a quick flick of the claw, Manus shrunk back down to his normal size. “Would you stop that?” asked Lennon, who was mildly annoyed that his partner went as far as using Mean Look to prevent him from leaving, “I thought you liked learning new things.”

Manus' face lit up with a lighter shade of purple, materialized a pair of hands, grabbed Lennon by the wrist and dragged him out the door. “Yes yes, Lets go! Oh this is so exciting.”

After a short walk, they entered the Researcher's guild hall. It didn't take Manus that long to start floating around, looking through the many curiosities. Lennon made his way into one of the halls, where he found a large group of pokemon talking amongst themselves. A Flygon was desperately trying to push past them, accidentally slapping a couple with her wings and sweeping tail.

“Ohhh... Excuse me, pardon me, Leader's Assistant comin' through... C'mon guys, can’t you have your little meeting thing somewhere that isn't blocking a hallway? 'scuse me, sorry, jeez...”

As she was making her way through, Lennon spotted Manus floating a little too close to the ground in front of the Flygon. He opened his mouth to warn her, bit it was already too late. The Flygon landed face first on the ground; papers scattered all over the floor.

“Hey, watch where ya going, youngin!” Said Manus, floating over the fallen dragon type.

“Oi, stop that!” interjected Lennon as he stooped down to start gathering papers, “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I'm fine. Oooof, so many papers... There we go,” the Flygon mutters, balancing everything back into a manageable pile before straightening and breaking out into a cheery smile. “Thanks so much for helping me pick all these up. I swear, that’s like the fifth time I’ve tripped today; I’m such a klutz…” She blinks. “Heeeey, wait a minute. You don't look familiar. Are you visiting the Guild?”

“Ah, no... we're actually among the newer recruits who signed on after Regigias went on his rampage,” replied Lennon as he picked up a portion of the papers. “Both this Spiritomb and I were involved in that whole debacle.”

“Well no wonder I don’t remember you!” She inclines her long neck in the best bow she can manage without dropping everything all over again. “Welcome to the Researchers Guild! I'm Kali, I'm one of the Guild Leaders' assistants here. Pleased to meet you! And you are?”

“There's no point in introducing ourselves...” said Manus in a low, moping tone, “There's no point in anything... We will all eventually die and everything we've done will be for naught.”

Lennon blinked, not really sure if he heard the Spiritomb right, but shrugged it off. “Oh don't mind him, his personality will shift again in a few seconds. My name is Lennon, and my ghost gone emo here is Manus.”

The Spiritomb perked up again immediately. “That's right! M-A-N-U-S, Manus! Got it memorized?”

Kali couldn't help but giggle, “Nice names! You don't hear many like that around here, but then again Andalusst is kind of a mish-mash of a whole bunch of different kinds of names. It's always nice to hear 'em since Pokémon do tend to come in from all over the place, after all. And speaking of which, did you guys get here from the fog or something?”

Lennon adjusted his hat while cradling his own load of papers. “I guess you can say that. I wound up wandering a little too deep into the labyrinth from my hometown and found Manus there. I exited the labyrinth with him into the fog and wound up here. I'd probably be dead right now if it weren't for him though.”

“That's right son,” said Manus as he sat himself on Lennon's hat, “I was asleep at the time, then he found me and woke me up.  He weren't hostile or nothin' so I helped him out.”

“We've been stuck together ever since, though I don't think I could get away from him even if I tried. He seems drawn to me for some reason.”

Manus arched his head upside down in front of Lennon's face, “What, you don't love me anymore?”

“Well I don't know about love but I certainly don't want you out of my sight,” Lennon retorted. “We decided to stay here since... well there's no way for me to get back home yet, and I figured there's a lot to be learned here. Andalusst is a very interesting city.”

“Really?” said Kali,  “Hmm, yeah, that's how it is for a few people around here. I'm not an Andalusst native myself, but I figured I'd stick around. Anyway, now that you're here and you've been registered as a team, what name did you pick?”

“We went with team Memento,” answered Lennon, “I like to make little mementos of the past, and Manus here is a living memento of all of his past lives, so it only made sense.”

“Hah, that's so much better than the name I used when I signed up, wow. I was kind of, uh, young and silly back then, I guess you could say, so the name I used was... yeeeeaaaaah, pretty bad.” Kali looked up at the ceiling just for a moment before continuing, “So what's your reason for joining the Guild, anyway? There are three guilds here in Andalusst, and even if I like it here with the Researchers, I know it's not the best fit for everyone since we're kinda knowledge-oriented; you could've just as easily registered with the Hunters, or the Explorers. So why here?”

“Ah, it's very simple, really,” piped up Manus, “You see, my assistant and I are both men of intellect. When we arrived, we quickly learned of all of your guilds and what each one specialized in. Here, with the researchers, is where we chose to pursue our endeavors because the fog itself is in my assistant's greatest interest of study, while the Labyrinth is in my interest, since the majority of the souls within me have died there.”

“Ahah!” exclaimed Lennon “I knew there was a connection between you and the Labyrinth!”

“What, you got a problem with that bub?”

“And just like that, the moment is ruined.”

Kali couldn't help but stifle another giggle, “Seems like everyone in the Guilds has a driving force behind what they do, and some reasons are... well, better than others.” She paused for a moment, then asked in a more chipper tone, “So that’s the 'why', what about the 'what'? What do you think made the Guild decide to accept you into the ranks?”

Manus sneered at the flygon. “What, you got something against us, bub? You see, Lennon and I here... we're smart. Very smart. You throw a puzzle or somethin' at us, and we'll solve it in record time! Want us to find somethin' out? We'll figure it out for ya! And you'd be stupid to take us on in a fight, cus we'll whoop your hiney into next year, bub!”

Lennon bonked Manus on the stone, forcing the spiritomb to retract and stop talking. “Basically, we came here to learn, and we're smart enough to get most everything you guys are covering here. I'm strong enough to handle a lot of the grunt work as well, so we try to make ourselves as useful as possible. Well, at least I do. I also tend to write and carve figurines in my spare time.”

“Oh wow, that's pretty cool!” said Kali, “You guys are lucky. Y'know sometimes I wish I had a better skill set like that; then maybe I’d be more help to the Guild. Pretty much the only things I do around here are draw and deliver papers everywhere and, well, get stuck helping Archie.”

“Isn't Archimedes one of the guild leaders?” Lennon asked, noticing her sudden change in tone when mentioning the Inkay, “I haven't seen him much. What's wrong with him?”

“Yeah sure he's one of the Guild Leaders, but he's just so... so... annoying, always bossing people around and taking credit for everything and acting like he's so much smarter than everyone else. And I'm always the one having to put up with him since someone has to help him but everyone else always runs off before they get stuck with him instead!”

Kali lets out a great huff of frustration, glancing away for a moment before remembering she has an audience. Giving an embarrassed chuckle as her face slowly reddens, she says, “And oh gosh, there I go running my mouth, ahaha! Sorry, I'm not talking too much or anything, am I? I kind of have a tendency to ramble on sometimes... And I probably really shouldn’t be bad-mouthing Archimedes...”

Her eyes widen, “And OH MY GOSH I still need to take care of these!”

She starts running down the hall, then abruptly pulls an about-face, accidentally whacking a passerby with her tail while doing so to stammer, “Uh, it was nice meeting you! I'll, er, see you later, I hope?” She attempts to raise an arm to wave back, but stops when the paper pile in her arms wobbles precariously, and instead flashes a quick grin before stomping briskly away.

Lennon watched curiously as the flygon took off; at least until he realized he was still holding some of the papers Kali was transporting. “Hey wait!” he yelled as he started chasing after her, “You forgot these! Wait up!”

Manus, however, turned over to the crowd of pokemon who were now staring at him curiously. “What are you lookin at?”
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Comments: 3

demiveemon [2014-08-09 08:29:40 +0000 UTC]

I like your team and your writing. Many nice touches and pleasant t read. I hope more people will stop by and have a good read.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Candroo In reply to demiveemon [2014-08-09 20:09:15 +0000 UTC]

Aw, thank you~

Admittedly most of my stuff could use a lot more polish. Often times I find myself posting it, reading it again, then editing it because I found a mistake I missed during regular proofreading.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demiveemon In reply to Candroo [2014-08-29 20:22:21 +0000 UTC]

That sounds very familiar to me. No matter how much you read it through, there's always some error you'll find after submitting it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0